Myjobsi full and effective software job board.

Myjobsi software for comprehensive and effective employment card. is the technological solution of the employment advice for those looking to install and operate their own job board, through those who have a job board in place and are looking for a platform more cost effective. We also work with you to help you make sure the platform offers a return on investment.

Your brand, your company, your sales ...
Using as technological solution at a low cost job board, you can be assured that your Board of Directors benefit from some of the best in the online recruitment functionality and industry practices. Equally important, through the simple pricing structure you have the ability to be able to grow your business effectively, but stable.

Having a solid foundation established with proven processes and functionality, offers a complete management portal and reports through which you can customize, monitor and manage your job board.

The administration functionality has been designed to be both simple and easy to use. With the available management functions, you can control almost every aspect of your job site. Also, if you change your brand (or just want a design update), you can change the colors of your model and site at any time. All this is included in your sitemap, and does not bear any additional cost. are a wealth of experience in migrating existing job boards on platform effectively and without seeing a dip in efficiency in direct employment advice.

All Myjobsi that migrated advantage of project management, which will work in the period established at the beginning of the migration process.
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